2008年12月5日 星期五
Lunch in Grand Formosa Regent Taipei
2008年10月8日 星期三
我們台灣人,尤其是我們父母那一輩,對子女的愛,大多是以嚴厲的管束保護來表現,而且為了維持長輩的尊嚴,一個溫暖的擁抱,其實常常是很奢求的。朋友間也是如此,即使是成天膩在一起的好同學,或是互訴心事的好朋友,那種給予對方能量的緊緊的擁抱,也是很少見的。而我,也許潛意識裡,一直是渴望這種 big bear hug 的感覺,所以每當我看到外國影片裡,朋友間,家人間,情侶間,那種大大的緊緊的擁抱,甚至鬆開前再予以鼓勵的拍拍背,總是羨慕且為之動容。直到,我在 Univ. of Idaho 體驗10個月研究生活時,我才嚐到了 hugs 的感覺,雖然說,我也只有在新年倒數完後,在聚會所有人6-7個吧,互相擁抱一輪,及我回台灣前,一兩個比較熟識的實驗室伙伴給我離別的擁抱。但是,我必須說,實際的感覺比我想像的還好幾百倍。我覺得每個人都需要 hugs,所以我非常的愛 Free hugs 這一系列的短片。
現在youtube上已經可以找到世界各國的同系列的短片了,我這次搜尋才發現,台灣也有好幾處有辦過,真可惜都沒被我碰到,下面這段是台北的,還有台中逢甲那邊的請按連結,我看台中的反應不怎麼熱烈,如果是我,肯定衝過去擁抱,如果當天沒別的事,極有可能還會加入一起舉那個大大的『FREE HUGS』牌子呢。
2008年9月30日 星期二
因學舞而認識的歌 - 舞孃 & 特務 J
MV熱舞其實相當有趣,老師上課還滿搞笑的,熱身的方式也很歡樂不死板,而且可以學習與原唱者相同的舞步,實在有挑戰性,所以馬上就吸引住我。不過,一開始幾堂課,老實講我有點不習慣拉丁舞以外的身體律動方式,二來,老師選的歌對於少聽國語歌曲的我來說,也非常不熟悉,再加上有幾堂因加班而缺課,第一首蔡依林的『特務 J 』學的有點零零落落,呈現有跟不上的狀態。還好我算是既龜毛而且有潛藏內心深處的好勝意識,從第二首『舞孃』開始,每週的進度,我利用睡前時間練習,依老師大約3-4週一首的進度,我每首歌至少跳有上百次,歌播放的次數那就更不可數了。當教學邁入第3首蕭亞軒的『more more more』,舞孃仍在我每天的練舞之列中,只是近來次數減到只剩每天兩次。前幾週,老師心血來潮放『特務 J 』音樂讓同學複習,我在一旁只能看,心有不甘,暗自下定決心,下週來我肯定不會是在旁邊看人跳的一員,果真,用一週零星的時間,重新研究了老師的舞步並練起來了。哈~哈~哈~
喜歡蔡依林跟蕭亞軒的人別罵我,不曉得是咬字不清還是怎樣,老實說這幾首因練舞而聽的歌,我聽的次數應該是不輸那些死忠的 Fans ,但是,整首歌詞我大約也只聽出6成的字句,所以對歌的感覺,除了音樂本身透露出來,及節奏對身體激發律動的影響之外,歌詞的意境,只能隱約抓到6-7成。所以花了點時間找到歌詞,靜下身體,去欣賞感覺並跟著哼唱。
月光 放肆在染色的窗邊 塵煙 魔幻所有視覺
旋轉 跳躍 我閉著眼 塵囂看不見 你沉醉了沒
故事 刻畫在旋轉的指尖 是誰 在癡癡的追隨
旋轉 跳躍 我閉著眼 塵囂看不見 你沉醉了沒
旋轉 旋轉 旋轉... 旋轉 旋轉 旋轉...
旋轉 跳躍 我閉著眼 塵囂看不見 你沉醉了沒
旋轉 跳躍 我閉著眼 塵囂看不見 你沉醉了沒
另一首『特務 J 』我覺得歌詞也寫的很很美,MV的畫面表現與整首歌的感覺,我個人覺得拍的比『舞孃』還來的用心,只是歌詞中有一段:愛情 有十誡 戒懶......那兩段的第二段,跟整首歌刻畫的艷與冷酷相對比,覺得有點無俚頭。(哈~我愛挑剔本性又現形囉~) 大家欣賞一下吧。
尖叫劃破漫長黑夜 香水透露你的方位 香味消失塞納河邊
深夜流星勾引月圓 蒙著面我跳過聖母院
大寫 J 像一隻蠍 鮮豔的刺 是我的識別
完美特務 J 冰凍全場焦點 把你定格在愛情盲點
尖叫劃破漫長黑夜 香水透露你的方位 香味消失塞納河邊
深夜流星勾引月圓 蒙著面我跳過聖母院轉身
大寫 J 像一隻蠍 鮮豔的刺 是我的識別
完美特務J 冰凍全場焦點 把你定格在愛情盲點
愛情 有十誡 戒懶 戒自卑 戒悶 戒愛現 戒膚淺
完美特務 J 冰凍全場焦點 把你定格在愛情盲點
完美特務 J 掌控浪漫氛圍 讓你走進愛情不歸夜
2008年9月22日 星期一
2008年8月29日 星期五
令人動容的友誼 - Story of Christian The Lion
Part 2 of 9,Part 3 of 9,Part 4 of 9,Part 5 of 9,
Part 6 of 9,Part 7 of 9,Part 8 of 9,Part 9 of 9
By Mike Celizic
TODAYShow.com contributor
updated 8:59 a.m. ET July 30, 2008
The decades-old footage of a full-grown lion joyously embracing two young men like an affectionate house cat has made myriad eyes misty since it recently landed on YouTube. What is it about the old, grainy images that has attracted millions of clicks around the globe?
Is it simply that a lion, whimsically named Christian, remembered the two men who raised it and then released it into the wild?Is it nostalgia for a simpler time 39 years ago, when you could walk into Harrods department store in London, stroll through the “exotic animals” section, and buy a live lion cub?Is it a longing for the swinging Austin Powers-era London of 1969, when you could take the beast home to a basement flat, play soccer with it in a walled garden — and even take it out to restaurants in the back of a Bentley?
The answer may be all of the above. But it may be something more: the indelible image of a creature that could kill a man in seconds behaving like a pussycat with two men it obviously loves, smack in the middle of the African bush.
TODAY played part of the video last week with little comment or introduction, and when the grainy footage, originally shot on 16-mm film, was finished, Meredith Vieira was among many in the studio wiping away tears.
Swinging London
The video is the work of Anthony “Ace” Bourke and John Rendall, two Australians who in 1969 were living in a hip section of London. Nearly 40 years later, Rendall expressed astonishment that one video of his reunion with his former pet had drawn more than 6 million hits as of this writing. (Two other versions of the video on YouTube have drawn another 6 million hits combined.)
“Oh, my God,” Rendall exclaimed from Australia when told how popular the video has become. “If it’s made people more aware and more interested in conservation and the protection of the environment, we’re very pleased.”
Back in ’69, Rendall was living on Kings Road, in the Chelsea section of London. The center of London’s counterculture at the time, Kings Road seethed with creativity and fashion. Even Mick Jagger once resided there.
“It was more of less the center of that music, art, publishing, hairdressing world,” Rendall said. “It was a very exciting time to be in London.”
In the lingo of the day, it was wild. And it was into that milieu that Rendall and his friend Bourke would introduce something even wilder: A real, live lion.
One hump or two?
Going to London was sort of rite of passage at the time. “We finished university in Australia,” Rendall explained. “In those days, everybody in Australia went to England as soon as they got out of university.”
Having grown up in Australia’s sparsely populated outback, the young Rendall was agog at the capital of the British Empire. Where he came from, there was one store where you could buy any color shirt you wanted — as long as it was white. “If you asked for a blue one, they said, ‘Get lost,’ ” he said, but in slightly more colorful language.
So when a friend came back from a trip to Harrods, London’s famous department store, and told a story about her trip to the pet department, Rendall was understandably fascinated.
“Harrods has always claimed that they could find anything,” he explained. “Anything you’d want, Harrods could get for you.”
His friend decided to test that. “She said she’d like a camel,” Rendall said. “Without batting an eye, the manager said, ‘Would that be one hump or two, ma’am?’ I had to see the department store that was so cool.”So Rendall enlisted Bourke to go to Harrods with him. “We thought we’d have a laugh at this,” Rendall said, “and there were these beautiful lion cubs.”
Love at first sight
The two cubs were in tiny cages in the exotic animals section. Like a kid enthralled with a puppy, Rendall instantly became smitten and determined to rescue one of them.
“I grew up in the bush in Australia,” he told TODAY. “I was pretty shocked to see this animal, even if it was three months old, in this tiny cage: ‘This isn’t right. We really have to do something about this.’ And right there [we] decided to buy him.”
The notion that one could buy a lion and move it into an urban neighborhood seems preposterous today. But in 1969 London, the improbable was not impossible.
Bourke and Rendall did have to go through a long process to prove they could care for the animal, and there were others who wanted to buy the cub. But the two friends prevailed, and soon the basement of the custom furniture store where they worked had a new and exotic housecat.
“We persuaded the owners of the shop that it would be great publicity for the shop if we had the lion live there,” Rendall explained.
“It’s something that can never be done again,” he admitted. “You couldn’t have a lion in central London.”
The lion whisperers
Inspired by the Bible and a sense of irony, Rendall and Bourke named the lion “Christian,” and the beast soon became a celebrity. Rendall said they took a “horse whisperer” approach to raising the animal, never restraining it and never using physical force of any kind. Instead, they indicated with their tone of voice what was appropriate and what wasn’t.
“He could tell by the tone of our voice,” Rendall explained. “He knew that we wanted him to calm down, not now, let’s go, that sort of thing. We were very fortunate that we got it right. We ended up with a wonderful animal. He never bit anybody.”
The shop’s bottom floor became Christian’s den. “He had the whole of the basement. He had these toys down there — rolled-up old mattresses,” Rendall told TODAY. “He had his own kingdom downstairs, that’s where he slept.”
But when Bourke and Christian went out, Christian went with them, riding in style in the back seat of a Bentley. He even accompanied his human friends into restaurants. For exercise, they took him to a large, walled-in garden next to the furniture shop. Christian’s favorite pastime? Soccer.
Growing pains
After a year, Christian had grown from 35 to 185 pounds. Rendall said he and Bourke knew the lion couldn’t stay with them much longer. They weren’t worried about Christian attacking anyone, he said. It was more that he was so big he could break a window just by leaning on it. Who knew what other damage he could accidentally cause when he grew even bigger?
Fortuantely, actors Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna dropped into the furniture store one day, looking for a writing desk. They had just finished filming “Born Free,” the famous story of Elsa, a real lioness who was reintroduced to the wild. In the hit movie, the married actors played real-life naturalists George and Joy Adamson (Joy Adamson wrote the book on which the film was based).
Travers and McKenna suggested that Rendall and Bourke contact George Adamson. Soon Rendall, Bourke and Christian were all on a plane to Kenya, where they and Adamson introduced Christian to something he had never seen before: his natural habitat.
When the two friends felt sure Christian had a new family and a safe territory, they went back to their lives in London. But they kept in touch with Adamson and made a few visits to Kenya to see Christian from afar.
Emotional reunion
Their first reunion was in early 1972, a year after Bourke and Rendall left Christian with Adamson. It is this event that is shown in the grainy film that has become such a sensation on YouTube (although the captions on at least one version of the video misidentify the event as taking place in 1974.)
The now-famous footage shows the cat approaching the two men, cautiously at first. Then, as recognition begins to dawn, the lion picks up his pace and leaps into the arms of his old roomies.
The film is color, but has no sound. Subtitles have been addded to tell the story, but they’re hardly needed. There are two men in flared jeans and shaggy hair, and there is a lion. The huge carnivore approaches from a distance, slowly at first. Then recognition sets in, and soon everyone — men and beast — are hugging and crying.
Also in the original film are two lionesses named Mona and Lisa. They had been trapped elsewhere in Africa and given to Adamson to rehabilitate. Unlike Christian, Mona and Lisa had never set eyes on Bourke and Rendall before, but they came over to meet the two men anyway. If Christian vouched for them, these humans were apparently OK guys.
A last farewell
But in 1974, Adamson lost touch with Christian for three months. When he told Rendall and Bourke, they decided to make one last trip to Kenya to try to say goodbye to their old friend.
The night before they landed, according to Adamson, Christian suddenly reappeared and sat on a rock outside the naturalist’s camp — as if waiting for his pals.
There was another tearful reunion and another romp. The next day Christian walked back into the bush, where his lionesses were waiting. He was never seen again — but the power of the Internet guarantees he will never be forgotten.
Now Rendall hopes that the sudden popularity of the old film will help wildlife conservation efforts. He has remained an active supporter of the Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania and the George Adamson Trust. Tragically, Adamson himself was killed during local unrest 14 years after the video was shot.
Rendall doesn’t know who posted the first video on YouTube, but he doesn’t mind that they did. “It’s a lovely story and we’re delighted people are interested in it,” he said. “If they want to support the George Adamson Trust, we’re delighted.”
To learn more about the George Adamson Trust and how you can support the preservation of wildlife, visit wildlifenow.com.
以下是2008年7月底,NBC報導這則故事時播放的回顧影片,並越洋訪問Anthony Bourke 和 John Rendall的畫面。
2008年8月22日 星期五
WSS 2006 Show Dance - Maxim & Yulia
介紹兩段很特別的舞蹈,舞者是Max Kozhevnikov & Yulia Zagoruychenko,我覺得女舞者的肢體身段很美,大家欣賞吧~~
第一段 The Beat
這首以Samba為主軸舞蹈音樂,中段穿插一些Chachacha 及其他的變化。
第二段 Bird
這首 Bird 前段穿插了一小部份 Paso 的步伐,後來轉成Samba,又接著Rumba,
2008年8月20日 星期三
International Melissa 鞋款 3" Extra Wide白色緞面染色成金膚色
我買的第一雙舞鞋,是一雙台灣製的鞋,依照社團裡的台北人的說明,特地到台北新光三越站前店那附近買的 ,印象中是黑色的。對於不習慣穿高跟鞋,而且腳板比較寬,腳背也比較高的我來說,這雙台製的鞋實在不怎麼好穿,大約穿了半年,我又打聽上台北『永福』買了一雙 Supadance 白色緞面2吋半加寬T-bars舞鞋。英國鞋果然柔軟舒適多了。之後,陸陸續續買過 Freed鞋,及 International 這兩個牌子的舞鞋。個人偏好 International 這個牌子。
2008年8月1日 星期五
Thai之旅 之 與動物有約
2008年7月31日 星期四
2008年7月25日 星期五
咖啡王子一號店 - 著迷
記得這齣偶像劇今年年初在台灣首播時,舞蹈教室裡的學妹 麻吉和庭頤,兩個經常像是瘋狂粉絲在討論偶像時的興奮雀躍,討論著這齣偶像劇,還一直跟我說:真的很好看~~而且每回時間一到,一反常態的快速收拾包包,要準時回家看『咖啡王子』,而那時候並沒有勾起對連續劇不偏好的我想看一看的念頭。
一部連續劇要吸引我看超過兩個廣告檔次間的長度,通常有幾種情形,第一種:女主角的個性我非常喜歡且欣賞; 第二種情況:女主角有著我所沒有且羨慕的特質,例如:美麗、自信、坦率、追求愛的勇氣。 第三種情況:剛好讓我看到劇情鋪陳出來的令人感動,令人心動單純且真誠的愛。 第四種情況:劇中人物互動有我喜歡的幽默手法,讓人忍不住的笑。
故事的劇情,很容易在網路上找到簡介,就不多做贅述了,只想說說一些感受。我真的非常喜歡劇中女主角高恩燦(尹恩惠 飾)的開朗個性,她國中時父親因病過世,便扛起家計,當母親與妹妹倚靠的家長,卻有著沒有陰影的開朗個性,且非常積極的在過生活,從天未亮的送牛奶工作、小朋友跆拳道教練、餐廳外送、家庭手工、到幫朋友的工作臨時代班,非常努力的兼著各種工作賺錢,卻能樂觀不抱怨。這點我非常的欣賞,也值得我學習。另外,她坦率且大剌剌像男孩子的個性,非常的容易與他人熟捻,不論是長輩,或是同輩,同性或是異性,她都能很自在不扭捏的聊天,這點是面對不熟的人半句話也迸不出來的我非常羨慕的。還有她非常的會設身處地的體貼家人與朋友,也非常有正義感。也許她不是男主角崔翰杰原本喜歡的外表類型,但這些種種特質的吸引下,難怪男主角會這麼的被她迷住了,我要是男人也喜歡這樣的女生。
他玩笑著作弄著像個小男生的女主角恩燦時,嘴角揚起難掩淘氣的弧度,讓人直覺得好笑; 他想起恩燦種種時,從雙眼中散發著心裡透出的陶醉與愉悅神情,讓人也一起分享了些許的甜; 他在為這段他以為是愛上男人的感情掙扎要放棄時,煎熬與落魄完全寫在眉宇鬍渣之間,讓人覺得不捨與感動; 到後來冰釋誤解之後,那種喜孜孜甜蜜蜜的感覺,呈現出那種沒事會恍個神像笨蛋一樣傻笑起來,全身散發著幸福洋溢的感覺,讓人不禁羨慕起女主角。難怪孔侑因為這部咖啡王子一號店獲得MBC優秀男演員獎(2007)。
我覺得最棒的一段演技,是崔翰杰和高恩燦到崔翰成與韓宥珠家中作客的那一段,崔翰杰先是吃一隻公的古代牧羊犬的醋,還對狗狗兇巴巴的說:喂~狗崽子,你是公的吧!不許你對恩燦搖尾巴。(看到這邊我忍不住哈哈大笑) 之後,在吃飯的時候,他在恩燦身後的古式木製沙發椅上,一會兒躺一會兒起身,對著崔翰成與韓宥珠比手畫腳又擠眉弄眼,那雀躍的神情,毫不掩飾的表現出他對恩燦的喜愛,以及他多麼高興能擁有恩燦與這份感情,讓我也能深深感覺到他心中澎湃著的,言語難盡的喜悅,非常非常的真情流露。我真的是太愛這一段戲了。
所以,我在手機設定的第二組鬧鐘,週一到週五晚上 11 點準時響起,提醒我轉到緯來戲劇台,端坐,準備好面紙,讓心情繼續跟著劇情又哭又笑的起伏著。
2008年7月14日 星期一
Thai 風情 - 辮子頭


2008年7月7日 星期一
2008年7月5日 星期六
Farmer's market位於小鎮 downtown area的一個名為:"Friendship Square"的小公園,只有在夏季 6月到 8月左右的周末早晨才有的活動。顧名思義像個小小的台灣傳統市場,有很多農家拿水果、蔬菜、瓜類、花卉出來賣,也有印度人擺攤賣餅類當早餐,還有人賣一些手工藝品,而且幾乎每一周都有音樂表演,包括個人歌唱、樂團歌唱、合唱團、樂器表演。宛如為期一整季的周末露天音樂會。
第一次新奇的逛farmer's market那一天,我看到價格很便宜的紅櫻桃,開心的拿了袋子就要裝時,師母告訴我,白的比較好吃,強烈建議我一定要試試,我半信半疑的各買了一大包,才花了大約10~15美元,接下來那一整週,我每天都吃ㄧ大碗的晶瑩飽滿櫻桃,也是從那天初嘗Rainier cherry 的滋味之後,就愛上了它的滋味。
Rainier cherry 除了黃底帶紅色澤更美,硬度比紅櫻桃高,口感較脆不會像紅櫻桃那樣容易軟軟的,或是碰撞受傷,而且甜度也比紅櫻桃的高,不過由於產季短,產量比紅櫻桃少,價格也相對的貴了許多,而且不是那麼容易買到。每年的這個時候,我都會訂一箱回家,分送給親朋好友,自己也回味一下那令人難忘的滋味。