2008年8月29日 星期五

令人動容的友誼 - Story of Christian The Lion

  愛貓的我每次看到像『獅子與我』 (Born Free),或是『我的好朋友是隻豹』(How It Was with Dooms),這類兇猛貓科動物與人類情誼的影片,都被深深的吸引也由衷的羨慕,並且深深的相信,『貓』絕對不是一般人所誤會的那樣無情。最近看到一個讓我感動熱淚盈眶的真實短片,介紹給大家 。
  整個短片前段是獅子 Christian 由 Anthony 和 John 飼養時,開心玩耍的情景,後段則是最令我眼熱鼻酸,Christian野放後與 Anthony 和 John 在度重逢時,Christian不但認出他們,還給予非常熱情的擁抱,看個腳掌已經比人臉大的成年公獅子,張開碩大的前掌,像個孩子一般的撲向自己曾經的主人『朋友』,用毛茸茸的大頭去磨蹭著好久不見的朋友玩伴,讓我既是羨慕又是感動。

Part 1 of 9

 Part 2 of 9Part 3 of 9Part 4 of 9Part 5 of 9

Part 6 of 9Part 7 of 9Part 8 of 9Part 9 of 9

By Mike Celizic
TODAYShow.com contributor
updated 8:59 a.m. ET July 30, 2008

  The decades-old footage of a full-grown lion joyously embracing two young men like an affectionate house cat has made myriad eyes misty since it recently landed on YouTube. What is it about the old, grainy images that has attracted millions of clicks around the globe?

  Is it simply that a lion, whimsically named Christian, remembered the two men who raised it and then released it into the wild?Is it nostalgia for a simpler time 39 years ago, when you could walk into Harrods department store in London, stroll through the “exotic animals” section, and buy a live lion cub?Is it a longing for the swinging Austin Powers-era London of 1969, when you could take the beast home to a basement flat, play soccer with it in a walled garden — and even take it out to restaurants in the back of a Bentley?

  The answer may be all of the above. But it may be something more: the indelible image of a creature that could kill a man in seconds behaving like a pussycat with two men it obviously loves, smack in the middle of the African bush.

  TODAY played part of the video last week with little comment or introduction, and when the grainy footage, originally shot on 16-mm film, was finished, Meredith Vieira was among many in the studio wiping away tears.

Swinging London

The video is the work of Anthony “Ace” Bourke and John Rendall, two Australians who in 1969 were living in a hip section of London. Nearly 40 years later, Rendall expressed astonishment that one video of his reunion with his former pet had drawn more than 6 million hits as of this writing. (Two other versions of the video on YouTube have drawn another 6 million hits combined.)
“Oh, my God,” Rendall exclaimed from Australia when told how popular the video has become. “If it’s made people more aware and more interested in conservation and the protection of the environment, we’re very pleased.”

  Back in ’69, Rendall was living on Kings Road, in the Chelsea section of London. The center of London’s counterculture at the time, Kings Road seethed with creativity and fashion. Even Mick Jagger once resided there.
“It was more of less the center of that music, art, publishing, hairdressing world,” Rendall said. “It was a very exciting time to be in London.”

  In the lingo of the day, it was wild. And it was into that milieu that Rendall and his friend Bourke would introduce something even wilder: A real, live lion.

One hump or two?

Going to London was sort of rite of passage at the time. “We finished university in Australia,” Rendall explained. “In those days, everybody in Australia went to England as soon as they got out of university.”

  Having grown up in Australia’s sparsely populated outback, the young Rendall was agog at the capital of the British Empire. Where he came from, there was one store where you could buy any color shirt you wanted — as long as it was white. “If you asked for a blue one, they said, ‘Get lost,’ ” he said, but in slightly more colorful language.

  So when a friend came back from a trip to Harrods, London’s famous department store, and told a story about her trip to the pet department, Rendall was understandably fascinated.
“Harrods has always claimed that they could find anything,” he explained. “Anything you’d want, Harrods could get for you.”

  His friend decided to test that. “She said she’d like a camel,” Rendall said. “Without batting an eye, the manager said, ‘Would that be one hump or two, ma’am?’ I had to see the department store that was so cool.”So Rendall enlisted Bourke to go to Harrods with him. “We thought we’d have a laugh at this,” Rendall said, “and there were these beautiful lion cubs.”

Love at first sight

  The two cubs were in tiny cages in the exotic animals section. Like a kid enthralled with a puppy, Rendall instantly became smitten and determined to rescue one of them.

  “I grew up in the bush in Australia,” he told TODAY. “I was pretty shocked to see this animal, even if it was three months old, in this tiny cage: ‘This isn’t right. We really have to do something about this.’ And right there [we] decided to buy him.”

  The notion that one could buy a lion and move it into an urban neighborhood seems preposterous today. But in 1969 London, the improbable was not impossible.

  Bourke and Rendall did have to go through a long process to prove they could care for the animal, and there were others who wanted to buy the cub. But the two friends prevailed, and soon the basement of the custom furniture store where they worked had a new and exotic housecat.

“We persuaded the owners of the shop that it would be great publicity for the shop if we had the lion live there,” Rendall explained.
“It’s something that can never be done again,” he admitted. “You couldn’t have a lion in central London.”

The lion whisperers

  Inspired by the Bible and a sense of irony, Rendall and Bourke named the lion “Christian,” and the beast soon became a celebrity. Rendall said they took a “horse whisperer” approach to raising the animal, never restraining it and never using physical force of any kind. Instead, they indicated with their tone of voice what was appropriate and what wasn’t.

  “He could tell by the tone of our voice,” Rendall explained. “He knew that we wanted him to calm down, not now, let’s go, that sort of thing. We were very fortunate that we got it right. We ended up with a wonderful animal. He never bit anybody.”

  The shop’s bottom floor became Christian’s den. “He had the whole of the basement. He had these toys down there — rolled-up old mattresses,” Rendall told TODAY. “He had his own kingdom downstairs, that’s where he slept.”

  But when Bourke and Christian went out, Christian went with them, riding in style in the back seat of a Bentley. He even accompanied his human friends into restaurants. For exercise, they took him to a large, walled-in garden next to the furniture shop. Christian’s favorite pastime? Soccer.

Growing pains

  After a year, Christian had grown from 35 to 185 pounds. Rendall said he and Bourke knew the lion couldn’t stay with them much longer. They weren’t worried about Christian attacking anyone, he said. It was more that he was so big he could break a window just by leaning on it. Who knew what other damage he could accidentally cause when he grew even bigger?

  Fortuantely, actors Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna dropped into the furniture store one day, looking for a writing desk. They had just finished filming “Born Free,” the famous story of Elsa, a real lioness who was reintroduced to the wild. In the hit movie, the married actors played real-life naturalists George and Joy Adamson (Joy Adamson wrote the book on which the film was based).

  Travers and McKenna suggested that Rendall and Bourke contact George Adamson. Soon Rendall, Bourke and Christian were all on a plane to Kenya, where they and Adamson introduced Christian to something he had never seen before: his natural habitat.

  When the two friends felt sure Christian had a new family and a safe territory, they went back to their lives in London. But they kept in touch with Adamson and made a few visits to Kenya to see Christian from afar.

Emotional reunion

  Their first reunion was in early 1972, a year after Bourke and Rendall left Christian with Adamson. It is this event that is shown in the grainy film that has become such a sensation on YouTube (although the captions on at least one version of the video misidentify the event as taking place in 1974.)

  The now-famous footage shows the cat approaching the two men, cautiously at first. Then, as recognition begins to dawn, the lion picks up his pace and leaps into the arms of his old roomies.

  The film is color, but has no sound. Subtitles have been addded to tell the story, but they’re hardly needed. There are two men in flared jeans and shaggy hair, and there is a lion. The huge carnivore approaches from a distance, slowly at first. Then recognition sets in, and soon everyone — men and beast — are hugging and crying.

  Also in the original film are two lionesses named Mona and Lisa. They had been trapped elsewhere in Africa and given to Adamson to rehabilitate. Unlike Christian, Mona and Lisa had never set eyes on Bourke and Rendall before, but they came over to meet the two men anyway. If Christian vouched for them, these humans were apparently OK guys.

A last farewell

  But in 1974, Adamson lost touch with Christian for three months. When he told Rendall and Bourke, they decided to make one last trip to Kenya to try to say goodbye to their old friend.
The night before they landed, according to Adamson, Christian suddenly reappeared and sat on a rock outside the naturalist’s camp — as if waiting for his pals.

  There was another tearful reunion and another romp. The next day Christian walked back into the bush, where his lionesses were waiting. He was never seen again — but the power of the Internet guarantees he will never be forgotten.

  Now Rendall hopes that the sudden popularity of the old film will help wildlife conservation efforts. He has remained an active supporter of the Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania and the George Adamson Trust. Tragically, Adamson himself was killed during local unrest 14 years after the video was shot.

  Rendall doesn’t know who posted the first video on YouTube, but he doesn’t mind that they did. “It’s a lovely story and we’re delighted people are interested in it,” he said. “If they want to support the George Adamson Trust, we’re delighted.”

  To learn more about the George Adamson Trust and how you can support the preservation of wildlife, visit wildlifenow.com.


  以下是2008年7月底,NBC報導這則故事時播放的回顧影片,並越洋訪問Anthony Bourke 和 John Rendall的畫面。



2008年8月22日 星期五

WSS 2006 Show Dance - Maxim & Yulia

  介紹兩段很特別的舞蹈,舞者是Max Kozhevnikov & Yulia Zagoruychenko,我覺得女舞者的肢體身段很美,大家欣賞吧~~

第一段 The Beat

這首以Samba為主軸舞蹈音樂,中段穿插一些Chachacha 及其他的變化。

第二段 Bird

這首 Bird 前段穿插了一小部份 Paso 的步伐,後來轉成Samba,又接著Rumba,

2008年8月20日 星期三


International Melissa 鞋款 3" Extra Wide白色緞面染色成金膚色

  在學國際標準舞以前,我是不穿裙子也不穿高跟鞋的男人婆,大學時期,偏年尾出生的我在班上年紀算小的,但是卻有大姊大之稱,可想而知,整個很有男人的 feel。

  我買的第一雙舞鞋,是一雙台灣製的鞋,依照社團裡的台北人的說明,特地到台北新光三越站前店那附近買的 ,印象中是黑色的。對於不習慣穿高跟鞋,而且腳板比較寬,腳背也比較高的我來說,這雙台製的鞋實在不怎麼好穿,大約穿了半年,我又打聽上台北『永福』買了一雙 Supadance 白色緞面2吋半加寬T-bars舞鞋。英國鞋果然柔軟舒適多了。之後,陸陸續續買過 Freed鞋,及 International 這兩個牌子的舞鞋。個人偏好 International 這個牌子。

International Lorraine 膚色緞面(左) Melissa (右) 鞋款 2.5" Extra E xtra Wide金色皮面
  一般而言,英國鞋在尺寸上,除了以腳掌長度去分 size 外,每個 size又會依腳板的寬度,有narrow、regular、wide 三種選擇,International這個牌子則有extra narrow、narrow、regular、wide、extra wide 五種選擇,最近我還發現,某些鞋款增加 extra extra narrow 和 extra extra wide。這樣貼心的多樣選擇,對我來說是非常棒的。在鞋跟上,一般有兩種樣式的鞋跟款式:一般細跟 (slim) 及酒杯跟 (IDS)。鞋跟高度則是可以選擇 2.5" 或是 3"。
  上方這張照片是我目前手上所有的舞鞋,前排是拉丁舞鞋,後排兩雙是摩登舞鞋。前排右邊四雙都是英國 International 拉丁舞鞋,而且都是直接從 dancesport.uk 網站上訂的。最右邊兩雙 2.5吋 3號 Extra Wide ,我想是下訂後才做的吧,因為等了三個月才收到呢!她們跟著我有 7 年了吧。金色皮質這雙舞鞋還是特殊的 super flexible,是我到目前為止,穿過最好穿的一雙鞋,也是唯一第一次穿著跳舞就不會痛的鞋,可惜網站上這款鞋已經沒有 super flexible 這款選項了。左邊數過來第二及第三雙是 3吋 3號 Wide 也跟著我 4~5 年了吧。當初買這幾雙鞋時,平均每雙才差不多 2000 元台幣 (包含國際運費),現在一雙都差不多要 4 千元以上呢!!
  前排最左邊一雙是最近買的 made in China 的鞋,2.5 吋沒有加寬,試穿的時候覺得很舒服,驚為天鞋,決定買回家並取名『米開朗基羅』。說也奇怪,買回家後有天心血來潮拿出來穿一下,歐~好緊喔~後來穿著練舞時,天啊~超痛的耶~大概只能穿個十幾二十分鐘就得換下來。唉~~我看我這種又寬又厚的腳背果然還是不能貪便宜,以後還是要乖乖的買有加寬的英國鞋好了。

2008年8月1日 星期五

Thai之旅 之 與動物有約

